Saturday, February 20, 2010

Collected wisdom on Leadership and Management Development

Developing executives is a lot different from developing others in an organization. That's my proposition ... but I recommend the whole of

Gower Handbook of Leadership and
Management Development
Edited by Jeff Gold, Richard Thorpe and Alan Mumford

Even better, friends, as you red on you can receive a valuable discount if you order before June 30, 2010.

This is how the publisher describes it ....

On few occasions in the history of modern management
have leadership skills been in such sharp focus as
they are now. The ability to direct often very large and
diverse organizations; to make sense of the complex
and turbulent markets and environments in which you
operate; and to adapt and learn seems at an all time

In the 14 years since the fourth edition of this classic
book, very much has changed. But the need for this
Handbook is as strong as ever and the Fifth Edition
of Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management
Development is set to become a definitive read for
senior managers and those who develop them and an
essential reader for the management students aspiring
to become the next generation of leaders.

The premise behind the fifth edition of this influential
Handbook is that leadership, management and
organizational development are all parts of the same
process; enhancing the capacity of organizations,
whatever their size, and the people within them to
achieve their purpose.

To this end, the editors have brought together a who’s
who of current writers on leadership and development
and created the definitive single volume guide to the
subject. The perspectives that the text provides to
leadership, learning and development, embrace the
formal and the informal, cultures and case examples
from organizations of all kinds; and offers readers a
rigorous, readable and, where appropriate,
ground-breaking book.

Hardback 602 pages February 2010
978-0-566-08858-2 £90.00 £58.50

Murray Dalziel, writer of Chapter 6: Strategies
for Leadership and Executive Development.

is Professor of Management and Director of
The University of Liverpool Management
School (ULMS). Murray’s current research
interests focus on innovation strategies and
leadership development. Previously, Murray
was Group Managing Director of Hay Group
and has worked with large global clients in
every continent on their key leadership and
organization development issues.

About the Editors:

Jeff Gold is Principal Lecturer in Organisation
Learning at Leeds Business School, Leeds
Metropolitan University and a member of the
Northern Leadership Academy.

Richard Thorpe is a Professor of Management
Development at Leeds University Business School
and Deputy Director of the Keyworth Institute.

Alan Mumford is Visiting Professor of
Management Development at Interactive
Management Centres.

Contents: Preface, Alan Mumford; Preface to the new edition, Jeff Gold and Richard Thorpe; Part 1 LeadershiP and
ManageMent deveLoPMent in the 21st Century: Leadership and management development: the current state, Richard Thorpe
and Jeff Gold; National and international developments in leadership and management development, Kai Peters. Part 2
strategiC Work in LeadershiP and ManageMent deveLoPMent: Crafting a leadership and management development strategy
I, John Burgoyne; Crafting a leadership and management development strategy II, Tim Spackman; Developing the board
through corporate governance reform and board evaluation, Terry McNulty; Strategies for leadership and executive
development, Murray M. Dalziel; Leadership, management and organisational development, Richard Bolden; Leadership
and management development in small and medium-sized enterprises: SME worlds, Jeff Gold and Richard Thorpe;
Leadership and diversity development, Beverley Metcalf; Leadership ethics, Simon Robinson; Evidence-based leadership
and management development, Bob Hamlin. Part 3 BasiCs: Measuring and assessing managers and leaders for development,
Jeff Gold and Paul Iles; Talent management and career development, Paul Iles and David Preece; How leaders and managers
learn, Jeff Gold, Richard Thorpe and Alan Mumford; Choosing and using exceptional events for informal learning, Lloyd
Davies; Evaluation, Lisa Anderson. Part 4 advanCed ProCesses and tooLs: Neuro-linguistic programming for leaders and
managers, Paul Tosey; Leading reflection: developing the relationship between leadership and reflection, Russ Vince and
Mike Reynolds; Feedback and 360 degree development, Peter Holt, Suzanne Pollack and Phil Radcliff; Building quality into
executive coaching, David E. Gray; Intuitive intelligence, Eugene Sadler-Smith and Erella Shefy; Critical action learning,
Kiran Trehan and Mike Pedler; Mentoring for leaders and managers, Bob Garvey; E-learning for managers and leaders, Jim
Stewart. Part 5 Widening horizons: Leadership and management development in the voluntary and community sectors,
Alison Trimble and Becky Malby; Leadership and management development for the environment, Alan Murray; Leading and
managing in global contexts, Kim Turnbull James and James Collins; Conversations and learning: narrative and development
in practice, John Lawler and Jackie Ford; Public sector leadership and management development, Jean Hartley; Developing
leaders as futures thinkers, Pero Micic; Index

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